629 New Employees Join the Shanghai Electric Family
2021/08/03  EN_上海电气集团股份有限公司

The induction ceremony for new employees of Shanghai Electric in 2021 was held on the morning of August 2. The event was themed "Unite the New Force, and Pursue Dreams at Shanghai Electric" and held in both the main venue and sub-venues, being synchronized with a video webcast. Leng Weiqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Electric Group, delivered a speech. Zhu Zhaokai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group and Chairman of Shanghai Electrical and Mechanical Trade Union, presided over the ceremony.

It is learned that 629 new employees joined Shanghai Electric this year. In terms of age structure, 90% are the so-called "post-95s". "Generation Z" is becoming the main force of new employees in Shanghai Electric. In terms of educational background, 985 and 211 Program college graduates account for 44%, and overseas returnees account for 13% of the new employees, with the mechanical, energy, and electrical being the top three majors. Most of the new recruitment goes to key industrial sections of the Group, with the top two being the power station and the wind power sections, totaling 47% of the new employees. In addition, the industrial groups of automation, power transmission and distribution, environmental protection, and nuclear power as well as the digital technology also recruited a certain number of new employees.

The orientation training this year will last for 5 days, set up in one main venue, 14 sub-venues in Shanghai, and another four sub-venues outside of Shanghai. New employees will learn about the strategic blueprint and core values of Shanghai Electric through the three thematic courses themed “Industry Glance", "Cultural Cohesion" and "Growth Empowerment”, so that they can integrate into the Shanghai Electric family more quickly.